August 10, 2006

Kurvin isäntä

Tämä on todella nopsasti spårapysäkillä väsätty (lipsahdin jopa ruutujen täytössä...) enkä ihan saanut koko sitä ylpeyttä vangittua, jolla tämä mies kantoi mahaansa.

Muuten, haluaisin huomauttaa jokaisen viestin alapalkissa olevasta comments-napista, jota kannattaa käyttää, että saan tietää, onko täällä käynyt porukkaa :) Kommentoida voi siis myös anonymous-systeemillä, joka ei vaadi kirjautumista. Jotkut nimikirjaimet tms. kannattaa silti varmaan liittää, jotta tiedän, kenestä on kyse. Tai siis jos haluaa, että tiedän...

This is a really quick drawing done while waiting for the tram (I even slipped filling in the squares...) and I couldn't quite capture the magnificent pride with which the man carried his belly.

Incidentally, I would like to point out the comments-button at the bottom of each message. Please use it from time to time so I'll know if people really watch this stuff :) You can comment using the anonymous-option so you don't have to sign in to the system. Although I suggest you put your initials or something like that in the message so I'll know who you are. If you want me to of course...


Anonymous said...

I think your sketches are amazing :) I prefer sketches to paintings, as I find there is drama in them. What materials do you use to get your effects? dont you find it takes longer to use colours for a quick sketch, changing crayons? Do you do monochromes?

Samuli S. said...

Thanks, mgc, I'm flattered :) For these sketches I bought a book with tinted pages just to do coloured or tinted drawings. I mostly use coloured pencils but on this one I also used some markers I had with me. I usually keep only three pencils with me - white, black and brown...and yellow. I'm not very good at math :/

If I'm in a hurry I mostly just get a quick impression down and fill in the colours later. I do monochrome also but this is just so much more fun! :D

By the way, I'm a bit curious - how did you find this blog? It's only been up for less than a week!

Anonymous said...

I literally stumbled on your blog! Was just cruising through, and was attracted by the word sketch. Sparkling wine has added some zing to your latest sketches.