October 20, 2007

Illustration Friday - Grow

Tämä kuvitus oli juttuun, kirjakustantamosta, jossa kaikki osallistuvat kirjanteossa ainakin jossain määrin kaikkiin osa-alueisiin. Halusin kuvaan jotain orgaanista ja uutta luovaa.

Vesivärikynät ja valokuvakollaasi.

This illustration was for a story about a book publishing company that lets everybody in the book making process take part or at least be heard in its every aspect. I wanted to put something organic and literally creative into the image.

Watercolour pencils and photograph collage.


studio lolo said...

lovely, wonderful graphic.

Willie Baronet said...

Very graceful.

thefridayfrog said...

this is really cool, sam! :)))

love the leaves...

Janne Korsumäki said...

I really dig the colors and feel in this illustration, a very warm feel! However, what hinders this piece is the typography. It jumps out and really feels---collaged and glued on top in that sense. The font choice doesn't fit the overall mood and the letters are too big in their spaces.

Samuli S. said...

Thanks, Janne! I actually had a reason for the typography. The book was photographed from the bookshelf of the company's owner. And the book was called "Avain" - just like the publishing company. So that is actually the original lettering on the back cover. That's also why you can see the dots of the I's on all books. Not a very good reason for typography but I like stories behind illustrations. It was something that could have been used in the article itself.